Every 1 2024

NBO Members Exhibition

Cathryn Peters

Shed Antler on the Mossy Path #274/73

This piece’s integral focal point is a naturally shed and weathered whitetail deer antler, which is woven rib-style with seagrass on natural rattan reed spokes and accented with little tuffs of chenille yarn.

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H: 10" | W: 11" | D: 6"
Photo by artist
Cathryn Peters
Hudson, WI
I create original design, one-of-a-kind antler basket sculptures incorporating various types of deer, elk, or moose antlers with commercially sourced rattan reed and natural, respectfully, hand-gathered materials from my rural setting. My baskets are created in traditional rib-style basketry but I also draw on my 45+ years of chair caning and wicker furniture restoration for a variety of weaving techniques and inspiration. The antler is an integral part of the basket and is incorporated either as the handle or the focal point of the sculptures. When embarking on a new creation, I first sit quietly with the antler, listening to it whisper and “speak” to me. The spirit of the antler leads me to the form my hands are to explore. It guides me to the transformation of the bare antler to the completed asymmetrical, freeform basket sculpture. The juxtaposition of the female vessel form and the male antler focal point energizes me as I weave. Since designing and weaving my first antler basket in 1990, the process of creating has always grounded me; I connect with the Universe and all she presents while performing the age-old craft of basketweaving.
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