NBO Ambassadors

NBO Ambassadors are businesses, teachers, and others who let the world know about the National Basketry Organization. And you can be an NBO Ambassador, too!

As an NBO Business Ambassador, you will:

  • Include an NBO rack card in each outgoing order of basketry supplies. We’ll provide the rack cards.
  • Link to the NBO website from your website. In return, we’ll link to your website on this page.

As an NBO Teacher Ambassador, you will:

  • Talk about NBO and why you are a member to your students.
  • Hand out rack cards to students — we’ll provide the rack cards.
  • Include NBO information at events and retreats where you teach.

Please contact us to become an NBO Ambassador!

NBO sends a big thanks to these NBO Ambassadors:

NBO Business Ambassadors

Atkinson’s Country House

August Moon

Basket Maker’s Supply

Bonnie’s Baskets

Country Seat

East Troy Basketry

Fiber Arts on 4th

K and K Creations

North Carolina Basket Works/Suzanne Moore

Royalwood, Ltd.

NBO Teacher Ambassadors

Anne Bowers

Debbie Johnson

Ann Coddington

Flo Hoppe

Annetta Kraayeveld

Gina Telcocci

Barbara Shapiro

Charissa Brock

Kimberley Harding

Peggy Thrasher

Linda Scherz

Mieke Langerhans

Lois Russell

Shannon Lucas-Westrum

Cael Chappell

Sandra Kehoe

Cathryn Peters

Heather Hietala

NBO Rack Card – back
NBO Rack Card – front
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