FAQs – Basketry Now 2025

(Frequently Asked Questions)

Where and when will the exhibit be shown?

The NBO biennial juried exhibition Basketry Now 2025 will be on view July 29 – October 18, 2025 at Textile Center, a national center for fiber art in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Do I need to be a member of NBO to enter?

No. This opportunity is open to NBO members and non-members. Members receive a discounted entry fee. We invite you to join NBO here.

How many pieces can I enter?

You may submit up to three (3) pieces.

What is the deadline for entries?

The entry deadline is midnight US Eastern Time on March 30, 2025.

I’ve completed the entry form. Did NBO receive my entries?

You will complete an online entry form for each of your entries. An on-screen confirmation will appear after each submission. If you see that on-screen confirmation, we have received your entry. You don’t need to call us to confirm. You will also receive an email confirming payment of the entry fee.

What is the entry fee?

The entry fee is per artist, for up to three entries.

  • NBO Members: $40
  • Non-members: $50
  • Students/Apprentices: $30
How do I pay the entry fee?

After you submit your entries, you will be asked to pay your entry fee with a credit or debit card in our secure online checkout. The payments are handled by Square; NBO does not obtain or store your credit card information. More information about Square’s privacy and security policies is available here.

Can I pay the entry fee by check?

Yes. Simply select the “Pay by check” box on the Checkout page and click the “Place your order” button. Make your check payable to “National Basketry Organization” and mail it to:

Basketry Now 2025
c/o National Basketry Organization
PO Box 1524
Gloucester MA

How many photos of each work should I submit?

You may submit one or two photos of each work on a ‘clean’ background. Photos must be of acceptable quality for inclusion: in focus, and with good lighting.

How can I take good photographs of my work?

NBO has created an online training video on how to best photograph your work to show it off to its best advantage. Watch it here

What size should my photos be?

At least 1920 pixels on the longest side, with a resolution of 150 ppi.  Maximum file size is 10MB.

I have my photos only in high resolution. Can I use them?

As long as the image file size is less than 10MB, the higher resolution is fine. If you need to make the file size smaller, try “Save As” in your photo software and choose a lower setting like “Size=Large, Quality=Medium”. Larger files will take longer to upload; please be patient during the upload process.

I’m having trouble submitting my entry on a phone or tablet.

Although this website and the entry form are designed to work well on all devices, we recommend using a laptop or desktop computer to submit your entries, if possible. A tablet would be the second-best choice while a phone would be the last choice for completing an entry.

I’m helping someone else enter the exhibit. Whose email address should I use?

You can use your email address so that we can contact you if there are issues with the entry.

My entry form is not being accepted.

Please check your entry form for accuracy. The most common errors are:
• An incorrectly formatted email address
• Leaving any of the fields/boxes empty
• Entering too many words in the Artist Statement, Techniques or Materials fields
• Not attaching a photo

My computer didn’t seem to fully submit my entry form.

If you see a spinning icon that never stops after you click the Submit button, you may have internet connectivity issues. For best results, reduce the file size of your photo to less than 5MB, and try to submit the form again. Whenever possible, use a laptop or desktop computer for your entries rather than a mobile device.

I took a class and made a basket. Is it OK to submit that to this exhibit?

No, please do not submit work made during a class or workshop.

I have a basket that was in a previous NBO exhibit. Can I enter it?

No, please do not submit work that has been selected and shown in any previous NBO exhibit.

I have a basket that was in a non-NBO show? Can I enter it?

Yes, you may enter a basket that was shown in an exhibit produced by another organization.

I’m having technical problems with the website, entry form or checkout.

Please contact us. Describe your problem in detail, and include a phone number and the best time to call you back.

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