Every 1 2024

NBO Members Exhibition

Lynne Dees

Fish Trap #3: Have you met my bully?

Dyed rattan, wire, wooden beads, metallic thread
My fish trap series encompasses themes of isolation, imprisonment, and censorship. After a year of being bullied by a spectacularly toxic individual while I was heading up an important project, I needed to create a piece to exorcise the devastation upon my self-esteem. The bully inside the fish trap attempts to glut, penetrate, encircle, and devour the steadfast basket, but ultimately fails, revealing victory, healing, and finally liberation. Upon completion, it occurred to me that our own internal bully criticizes ourselves to a higher level than any other individual could possibly aspire.

exhibition award
Exhibition Committee Award
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H: 39" | W: 17" | D: 17"
Photo by Scott Hagar Photography
Lynne Dees
Bedford, TX
My fiber work emphasizes traditional basketry techniques of weaving, coiling, twining, knotting, and wrapping to create contemporary works which stretch the boundaries of that which the materials will allow. Although traditional basketry usually serves a strictly functional purpose, my work is also narrative. Currently I am exploring two directions: My palette series utilizes the format of the historical American tobacco basket, a large square shallow hardwood basket which was used to display tobacco leaves to prospective customers. Using this format, I illustrate the forces of nature, personal narratives, and the dilemmas of humankind. With a background in painting, I like to think of these works as ‘painting with reed’—translating the colors and design of painting into the basketry format. I use the random weave technique, sometimes to create movement and other times to illustrate chaos. My three-dimensional fish trap series is based upon indigenous fish, crab, eel, and lobster traps which were traditionally made of bamboo and rope. I incorporate the concepts of trapping, captivity, isolation, censorship and imprisonment to illustrate current human conditions and events. The incorporation of recycled objects and materials illustrates the extent of waste produced by humankind but also and more importantly, how recyclables may be used to create works that are playful and have personal meaning.
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