More Basketry, Celebrating our Community

This NBO exhibition is intended to encourage, inspire and connect. There is no judge, no jury, no awards, no fee to participate. All levels, techniques and materials are welcome and all participants will receive a certificate of exhibition. 

More Basketry, Celebrating our Community is an exhibition intended to encourage, inspire and connect. We hope you will choose to take part in what is always an exciting and fun look at the diverse work of basket artists from across the country. This is a non-juried show open to all participants of the conference in Tacoma. The work may be offered for sale at the option of the participant. All levels, techniques and materials are welcome.

All conference attendees wishing to participate in More Basketry 2023 are asked to complete the online Registration and Label Form below. There is a $10 suggested donation to cover costs associated with the exhibition.

Please bring your work to the Kitteridge Gallery preferably between 1 – 5:00 pm, on Tuesday, June 20, or if necessary, on Wednesday, June 21 from 8:00 – 8:30 am. All Work MUST be picked up between 12:00 and 12:30 pm, on Saturday, June 24.

All sales inquiries will be referred to the artist. Artist contact information will be listed on the artwork tag. NBO requests the artist make a 20% donation for sales resulting from this exhibition. All details surrounding the sale of artwork, including tax and shipping, are the responsibility of the artist. 

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