NBO in Cuba!
Please Note: This may be your last chance to travel to Cuba working with our partner Peters Valley School of Craft! On June 5th, new regulations went into effect that dramatically curtail the ability for Americans to travel to Cuba. However, trips scheduled before the June 5th deadline are allowed to continue as planned, grandfathered …
Karyl Sisson: Fissures and Connections
NBO member and artist Karyl Sisson is being featured in a Craft in America solo exhibition. “Part scavenger, part collector, and wholly meticulous craftsperson, Sisson’s work delves deeply into the possibilities that exist within the discarded and overlooked. Over the decades, Sisson has transformed familiar objects such as vintage zippers, clothespins, tape measures, buttons, and …
Deloss Webber, Finalist for the LoEwe Craft Prize
Congratulations to NBO member and basketmaker Deloss Webber, finalist for the Loewe Craft prize. Del has been creating cane work and furniture since the early 1970s. “I have a fascination with stone, which [feels] primal,” he explains to AD. Combining rattan and stone was therefore a natural choice for him. He continues, “The marriage of …
Nancy Loorem Adams “Daphne”
Nancy Loorem Adams,’ sculpture Daphne was accepted into the Excellence in Fibers IV exhibition in print which will be published in the 2019 winter edition of Fiber Art Now. Carol Sauvion of Craft in America, Perry Price, the Houston Center for Contemporary Craft, and Beth McLaughlin of Fuller Craft Museum served as jurors. In conjunction …
Elizabeth Runyon in “Fiber Arts Now – Excellence in Fibers”
NBO member Elizabeth Runyon is included in the juried exhibition of Fiber Art Now magazine’s Excellence in Fibers, currently on exhibit at the San Jose Museum of Quilts and Textiles. Fiber Art Now magazine highlighted innovative, contemporary textile art in their Excellence in Fibers issue (Vol 7, issue 2, Winter 2017). In an exhibition of the same name, the …
Danielle Bodine and Jan Hopkins in “Excellence in Fibers 2017”
Danielle Bodine’s piece, Moonlight Flight category winner for “Installation Works” and Jan Hopkin’s piece, Sturgeon Moon category winner for “Vessel Forms/Basketry” in the Fiber Art Now magazine’s Excellence in Fibers will be on exhibit at the San Jose Museum of Quilts and Textiles. Fiber Art Now magazine highlighted innovative, contemporary textile art in their Excellence in Fibers issue (Vol 7, issue …
Progressive Randings
This is a wonderful resource from the Fall 2011 issue of the NBO Magazine. Written by Flo Hoppe and Cynthia Taylor, it is a close look at variations in weaving that can be used across all media.
Martha Bird at Minnesota History Center Library Gallery
Weaving Wellness: Art, Community, and Mental Health Resilience is an exhibit guest curated by NBO member Martha Bird. The exhibit started as a project when two baskets of Martha’s were acquired earlier this year by the Minnesota Historical Society who then invited her to engage in curating a show that paired and explored objects from …
Nancy Loorem Adams, HGA Award Winner
During the recent Handweavers Guild of America conference in Reno, Nevada, NBO member Nancy Loorem Adams was awarded two significant prizes in the Great Basin Basketry Exhibit. Congratulations, Nancy!
Basketry: The Art of Willow Craft
Learn Basketry Skills, Members in the News
Book review by Lise Bech
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