Getting Close!

Help the National Basketry Organization promote basketry!  Send us close-up photos showing details of your work. The best images will be selected for NBO’s social media and printed materials: calendars, note cards, posters etc.

  • Send your photo to NBO Closeup by JULY 31, 2020. (Deadline has passed).
  • You must be a member to participate in the contest. Not a member but have a great image you want considered? Join NBO now at any level and send that photo!
  • Please identify the artist, title of the piece, and the photographer when submitting your images. Label each photo with your name, title, and a number 1 through 3 (Example: NAME-TITLE-1, NAME-TITLE-2, NAME-TITLE-3). Maximum of 3 images.
  • Image specifications: square images a minimum of 1500 pixels on a side, jpg format. We may crop your image if it is not square to best fit our requirements. Large photo files are best. Please be sure to send them to us full size.
  • We will announce the selected photos by August 31, 2020. NBO will credit the artist and photographer whenever possible.

Above –  a detail image of Emily Dvorin’s basket,  Alchemical

#nationalbasketryorganization #basketry #traditonalcraft #contemporarybasketry #hands #basketryhands #weaving #NBOgettingclose

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