French Randing Variations: Blocks, Zigzags, and Floats

By Flo Hoppe and Cynthia Taylor

This is the 24th in a series of articles researched as part of NBO’s Basketry Terminology Research Project.

As we kept digging for examples, analyzing baskets, and looking at weave structures from different perspectives, we were a bit amazed by all the variations that could be classified under “French randing”.

The names we’ve chosen for the types presented in this article are mostly descriptive, based on the visual appearance of the weave: French-randed block weave; zigzag French randing; and French randing with oats.

For more background information, review our previous basketry terminology articles, “Herringbone French Randing” (NBO Quarterly Review, Fall 2011) and “English Randing and French Randing” (NBO Quarterly Review, Spring 2011), where we discussed basic French randing, twill French randing, right- slant and left-slant French randing, the use of color with French randing, and the more complex Herringbone French Randing.

Download or view the entire article here: French Randing Variations

Shown above:  Work by Katherine Lewis, photo by Steven Lospalluto

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