Every 1 2024

NBO Members Exhibition

Jennifer Tang-Limon

Woven Mandala

Technique is twining. Materials include waxed linen thread, agate and plastic.

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H: 19" | W: 19" | D: 1.5"
Photo by Sona Kechiyants
Jennifer Tang-Limon
Agua Dulce, CA
I am a lifelong learner and took my first basket class over 30 years ago while in college. Since then, my exploration in basketry has led me to experiment with a wide variety of materials and techniques. Whether I am taking a workshop or creating on my own, the process of weaving energizes me. My days are often hectic with work and other obligations, so twining with waxed linen is often where my mind begins to calm, I find peace and express my creativity. Many of my baskets are made when traveling and typically no larger than 3 inches in any direction. Small enough to fit in a bag and go anywhere. In recent years, I have begun to weave larger pieces when working in my studio.
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