Every 1 2024

NBO Members Exhibition

Sherri West

Navigating the Waters Together

This woven wall-hung piece is constructed primarily using the basketry technique of twining, utilizing a mix of gathered materials including: Willow, Palm Inflorescences, Washingtonia Palm Sheaths, Crocosmia Leaves, Abalone Shell pieces, and Waxed Linen. By grouping together these boat-like shapes, I wanted to convey the message that, much like our diversity of humans, these “boats of many colors” will navigate rough waters better when they stick together.

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H: 24" | W: 38" | D: 8"
Photo by Studio Arna
Sherri West
Santa Barbara, CA
I create contemporary basketry sculptural forms by combining traditional weaving techniques often with not-so-traditional materials. What I create respects the natural environment as well as honoring basket makers and what has historically been considered traditional “women’s work.” I like to tell a story with my fiber art that rewards the viewer with discovering their own personal meaning.
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