Every 1 2024

NBO Members Exhibition

Emily Dvorin

Held Together

Basketry assemblage with twining technique using reed, a variety of wood elements, synthetic sinew, thread and cable ties.

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H: 24" | W: 16" | D: 10"
Photo by Dana Spaeth
Emily Dvorin
Kentfield, CA
I call myself a sculptural basketmaker. I am known for my contemporary, innovative, "transordinary" vessels made with ordinary, every-day, common materials, using traditional basketry techniques in a non-traditional way. With a visual language, I tell a story by sculpting, weaving, sewing, assembling, twining and coiling, interacting with materials, pattern, color, design and texture. My use of re-purposed, re-contextualized materials is commentary on overconsumption of commercial goods, societal excess and throwaway consumerism. My work references regular life and our relationship with our urban environment.
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