Every 1 2024

NBO Members Exhibition

Barbara Shapiro

Faulty Towers: No Waste Fashion and The Inside Story

Much is faulty in our world today. As our planet rapidly reaches an unsustainable tipping point, the proliferation of disposable Fast Fashion is a big part of the problem. This tower is plaited of strips from paper bags too lovely to discard from two honorable fashion houses. In this way, I create my own No Waste Fashion to spike conversation about more sustainable practices worldwide. In the companion piece, The Inside Story, one twisted building block has crashed down and the “dirty little secret” of the fashion industry spills out, exposing the true cost of thoughtless wasteful practices and unbridled consumerism. I gratefully acknowledge learning this twisted box on Annetta Kraayeveld’s website.

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H: 8" | W: 5" | D: 2"
Photo by Artist
Barbara Shapiro
San Francisco, CA
Basketry affords me a rich artistic vocabulary for expression and endless exploration. I have been making sculptural baskets for 20 years, but my career in textiles is much longer, with indigo a constant thread in my work. From coiling I moved on to plaiting. As I sit quietly working in sturdy dyed cane or fragile paper, time stands still, but I never stop thinking. As my skills have improved, my voice has gained confidence. Over the past few years, social issues have found expression in my work. This sense of purpose is increased by teaching and sharing what I enjoy making. Thoughts of many inspiring teachers and colleagues bring a deep sense of gratitude for this wonderful world of basketry.
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