Shirley Eichten Albrecht

My art has always been an important part of my life beginning as a child growing up in rural Minnesota. I would draw landscapes, people, anything. I then got a very small camera and used that to capture my family and surroundings.  It was natural then for me to get a degree in Art & Music and use that to teach art.

I started basketweaving with friends as a means of making small gifts. Little did I know that I would fall in love with all aspects of basketweaving. I have always loved working with my hands and this met that need and I was able to create finished work that I loved. In addition, I could also teach it and spread my love of it.

My basketweaving has evolved from traditional baskets to more sculptural art incorporating Raku, gourds and antlers to create stunning wallhangings and sculptures. I am continually intrigued and inspired by the materials that I work with and other basketweavers. It is this experimentation and need to push myself that has resulted in the paths that I have taken.

Shirley Eichten Albrecht

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