Geraldine Zelinsky

Geraldine Zelinsky is the founder of  the Northwest Louisiana Basket Makers and holds regular workshops to introduce the history and art of pine needle basketry. She also is a regular participant in basketry demonstrations at the Louisiana State Exhibit Museum’s Archaeology Day, Louisiana State University at Shreveport’s Pioneer Heritage Day, Walter B. Jacobs Nature Park’s Art in the Park, and as of 2022 the Tunica Biloxi Intertribal Basketry Summit.

Geraldine founded NWLA Basket Makers, comprised of kindred spirits who originally came together to learn the ancient ways of longleaf pine needle basket making.  While she originally believed they were learning in the style of the Coushatta tribe, she soon found out otherwise. While there are similarities her intention was not to  appropriate or misappropriate the wisdom of the ancients, but rather to inspire the innate creativity that is within each of us.

She is forever grateful for the wisdom that is being passed forward.  This group is all about learning, sharing and growing.

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