We’ve redesigned the NBO website from the bottom up to make it easier to use and to include more features and information.

Mobile-friendly. The biggest improvement you might notice is how it looks on your mobile phone. The entire website has been streamlined to work equally well on cell phones, tablets, laptops, or desktop computers.
Graphic design. Larger, more modern fonts and generous use of white space make browsing easy on the eye. The monochrome color palette provides a clean background for the fabulous baskets and fiber art on the site. Anything red is a link, so go ahead and click it!
New home page. Start your journey on our redesigned home page, where you’ll find the latest news about NBO and NBO members, a random selection of our Enhanced Members, our latest posts on Instagram, and links to subscribe to Basketry+ magazine or sign up for our free e-newsletter.
Reorganized. Some members had said the old site had too many menu options and it wasn’t clear where to find what they were looking for. The new menu organizes the site into six sections:
- Members: This section includes news about NBO members, profiles of Enhanced Members, NBO’s Lifetime Achievement Awards, and a list of our business members.
- Learn Basketry Skills: We created this new section to gather how-to articles and instructional videos, videos of NBO Presents! online workshops, our list of basketry guilds and a list of museums and schools of interest to the basketry community.
- Exhibitions: The new website includes NBO’s online member exhibition Every 1, and members can log in to see all entries for the 2021 and 2022 exhibitions. Everyone can view catalogs or slideshows of older NBO exhibitions, browse our list of current basketry exhibitions, and find current calls for entries.
- Events: Browse the Basketry Calendar or submit your own event. You’ll also find info on upcoming NBO events here, too.
- News: This is our expanded blog page, with articles and videos of interest to the basketry community
- About NBO: Meet our Board and staff, subscribe to Basketry+ magazine, sign up for our e-newsletter, and browse NBO products & gifts.

Quick links for action items. The smaller menu at the very top of the page includes quick links to Contact us, Donate, Join NBO and Login. After logging in, you’ll see links to the Members’ Area and My Account.

Membership. We’ve redesigned our Join NBO page to make it easier to select the membership plan that’s right for you. You can use a credit or debit card to pay for your membership in our new, secure online checkout.
Member-only content. NBO members can now log in to view exclusive content, including:
- Every 1 – 2021 & 2022 (online NBO member exhibitions)
- Virtually Woven – 2021 & 2022 (online member gatherings)
- Back issues of Basketry+ magazine and NBO Quarterly Review (2015-present)
My Account. In this new section you can view your recent orders, upgrade your membership, manage your shipping and billing addresses, and edit your password and account details.
Better search. We have a more powerful search function too, so be sure to try it out. Just click on the magnifying glass icon at the top of every page.
More quick links. You can access the most recent blog posts and event listings in the footer of every page. An expanded menu at the bottom of the page includes links to other key pages.
Keep in touch. We’ve made it easy to sign up for the Over/Under e-newsletter or subscribe to Basketry+ magazine. To connect with us on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, or YouTube, just click one of the icons at the bottom of every page. Or send us a message using the form on the Contact Us page.
We hope you enjoy our new website! As always, your questions and feedback are welcome.