Enhanced Membership

From: $110.00 / year

Ideal for Teachers, Professional Artists, Basketry Businesses and Galleries. Outside of USA, digital copies of magazine. 


Member benefits

  • A  subscription to NBO’s Over/Under E-newsletter, with news about NBO members, articles and videos from expert basket makers, and notices of upcoming events of interest to the basket making community.
  • Early registration for the NBO Biennial Conference (so you can get into your favorite workshops before they fill up!)
  • Submit your work to all NBO exhibitions
  • Submit workshop and event listings to the NBO website calendar
  • A print subscription to Basketry+ magazine, our quarterly magazine documenting the work of outstanding basket makers. (Digital copies for those outside of the USA).
  • Discounted rates on a two-year membership (Basic and Enhanced)
  • Individual artists are included in our “Featured Member Friday” spotlight on NBO Facebook and Instagram
  • Basketry businesses and galleries are featured in selected NBO social media postings
  • A listing and link on the NBO website:

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