NBO in Cuba!

Flag of Cuba

Please Note: This may be your last chance to travel to Cuba working with our partner Peters Valley School of Craft! On June 5th, new regulations went into effect that dramatically curtail the ability for Americans to travel to Cuba. However, trips scheduled before the June 5th deadline are allowed to continue as planned, grandfathered under the previous travel rules. Registration deadline July 28, 2019.

NBO is once again partnering with Peters Valley School of Craft to offer a one-of-a-kind trip to CUBA, October 26–November 2, 2019. We invite you to join this adventure, specifically designed to allow you to experience the arts, crafts, and culture of this unique island nation at a historic time of change.

This is a seven-night tour was conceived in partnership with Cuba Educational Travel, a leading organizer of group travel to the island. Together we’ve created a special program taking us from electrifying Havana to charming and quaint Trinidad and back. Isolated from U.S. influence for 50+ years, Cuba developed its own vibrant artistic traditions, often constrained by limited access to materials yet emboldened by the innovative spirit of the Cuban people to chart their own artistic course. This will be the third time that Peters Valley will be taking a group on this fantastic journey, and the National Basketry Organization is thrilled to be able to offer our members and friends a chance to join them!

Detailed itinerary here:  CUBA Itinerary – October 2019

Terms, dates, and registration information here: Registration form NBO 2019

Terms and conditions

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