Nancy Koenigsberg

Nancy Koenigsberg lives and maintains a studio in New York. She has been engaged in one form or another with textiles for most of her life, from early knitting commissions while in college to a needlepoint business and since the mid 70s working in art textiles. Koenigsberg’s work is concerned with the definition of space. The medium she has chosen, narrow gauge wire is ideally suited to the exploration of this concept. These copper and steel wires lend themselves to the creation of delicate lattice-works or heavier, nearly opaque surfaces.

She is exploring the transformation of materials and the contradiction between industrial materials, known for their strength and durability, and the delicate forms which are created. This same concept applies equally to freestanding pieces as well as pieces for the wall. Frequently beads and metal objects are incorporated. Her work has been exhibited in the U.S., Asia and Europe. Nancy’s works are included in the Racine Art Museum, the Museum of Fine Arts Houston, the Cleveland Museum of Art, the Museum of Arts & Design, the Lieberman Collection and the Cotsen Collection, in addition to many private and corporate collections.


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